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Conservation Commission Minutes 2011/12/07
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 12/7/2011
Present: Van Webb, Rem Mastin, Tim Fleury, Lela Emery
Absent: Robert Hill, Bruce Burdett

DES request for more information from James E. Owers 140/6 Block Star Island, Submitted letter plan with dimensions submitted.

DES approval for 279 Lake Ave Sunapee 134/27

SCC received a copy of Notification from Underwood Engineers for Temporary access for Geotechnical drilling on Perkins Pond area for sewers on the property of Bruce Jennings.

Minimum Impact Expedited application for Sandra Webb 75 Apple Hill Road Sunapee for a 24” culvert to be installed under a 12’ wide driveway. 218/41Rem Mastin signed the application on behalf of the SCC Board.

SCC made a contribution to ASLPT as a Patron for $500 for 2012.
NHACC 2012 contribution/membership is $235 which will be over budget for 2012 by a $10 due to a $10 increase.

Rem Mastin made the motion to accept the November 2011 minutes as written. Seconded by Tim Fleury. All in favor 4, Opposed 0.

The Ludwig parcel being donated to the town which abuts Dewey Woods will have the deed work complete by Michael Chiarella. Two public hearings will take place after a deed has been presented and accepted by the town.

Field Stone Hills parcel will have a warrant article to enroll in Town Forest, Donna will phrase the article. SCC will hold on conservation easement.

SCC will seek $15,000 for the capital reserve for the 2011 vote.

Tim Fleury made the motion for Van to contact Claremont Savings Bank and make an offer on Lot 4 at Field Stone Hills. Rem Mastin seconded the motion. All in Favor 4, Opposed 0. This parcel offers functional access and enhances the recreation area.

Sawyers Trail – SCC will plan a walk through in the spring. The trail needs some spring cleaning and some chain saw work.
Ledge Pond – SCC will schedule work in 2012 on the access road and fill the low spots.